
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) Sergey P. Derevyago, 2008-2009.
00003  *
00004  * Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is granted
00005  * provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
00006  * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and
00007  * with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
00008  *
00009  */
00016 #include <ders/error.hpp>
00017 #include <errno.h>
00018 #include <ders/text_buf.hpp>
00020 namespace {
00022 const char* error_strs[]={
00023   "No error",
00024   "Argument list too long",
00025   "Permission denied",
00026   "Address in use",
00027   "Address not available",
00028   "Address family not supported",
00029   "Resource unavailable, try again",
00030   "Connection already in progress",
00031   "Bad file descriptor",
00032   "Bad message",
00033   "Device or resource busy",
00034   "Operation canceled",
00035   "No child processes",
00036   "Connection aborted",
00037   "Connection refused",
00038   "Connection reset",
00039   "Resource deadlock would occur",
00040   "Destination address required",
00041   "Mathematics argument out of domain of function",
00042   "Reserved (EDQUOT)",
00043   "File exists",
00044   "Bad address",
00045   "File too large",
00046   "Host is unreachable",
00047   "Identifier removed",
00048   "Illegal byte sequence",
00049   "Operation in progress",
00050   "Interrupted function",
00051   "Invalid argument",
00052   "I/O error",
00053   "Socket is connected",
00054   "Is a directory",
00055   "Too many levels of symbolic links",
00056   "Too many open files",
00057   "Too many links",
00058   "Message too large",
00059   "Reserved (EMULTIHOP)",
00060   "Filename too long",
00061   "Network is down ",
00062   "Connection aborted by network",
00063   "Network unreachable",
00064   "Too many files open in system",
00065   "No buffer space available",
00066   "No message is available on the STREAM head read queue",
00067   "No such device",
00068   "No such file or directory",
00069   "Executable file format error",
00070   "No locks available",
00071   "Reserved (ENOLINK)",
00072   "Not enough space",
00073   "No message of the desired type",
00074   "Protocol not available",
00075   "No space left on device",
00076   "No STREAM resources",
00077   "Not a STREAM",
00078   "Function not supported",
00079   "The socket is not connected",
00080   "Not a directory",
00081   "Directory not empty",
00082   "Not a socket",
00083   "Not supported",
00084   "Inappropriate I/O control operation",
00085   "No such device or address",
00086   "Operation not supported on socket",
00087   "Value too large to be stored in data type",
00088   "Operation not permitted",
00089   "Broken pipe",
00090   "Protocol error",
00091   "Protocol not supported",
00092   "Protocol wrong type for socket",
00093   "Result too large",
00094   "Read-only file system",
00095   "Invalid seek",
00096   "No such process",
00097   "Reserved (ESTALE)",
00098   "Stream ioctl() timeout",
00099   "Connection timed out",
00100   "Text file busy",
00101   "Unknown error",
00102   "Operation would block",
00103   "Cross-device link"
00104 };
00106 }  // unnamed
00108 namespace ders {  // ::ders
00110 sh_text error_message(mem_pool& mp, error err)
00111 {
00112  assert(unsigned(err)<sizeof(error_strs)/sizeof(*error_strs));
00113  return nt(mp, error_strs[err]);
00114 }
00116 error convert_errno(int val)
00117 {
00118  switch (val) {
00119         case 0: return ezero;
00120 #ifdef E2BIG
00121         case E2BIG: return e2big;
00122 #endif
00123 #ifdef EACCES
00124         case EACCES: return eacces;
00125 #endif
00126 #ifdef EADDRINUSE
00127         case EADDRINUSE: return eaddrinuse;
00128 #endif
00129 #ifdef EADDRNOTAVAIL
00130         case EADDRNOTAVAIL: return eaddrnotavail;
00131 #endif
00132 #ifdef EAFNOSUPPORT
00133         case EAFNOSUPPORT: return eafnosupport;
00134 #endif
00135 #ifdef EAGAIN
00136         case EAGAIN: return eagain;
00137 #endif
00138 #ifdef EALREADY
00139         case EALREADY: return ealready;
00140 #endif
00141 #ifdef EBADF
00142         case EBADF: return ebadf;
00143 #endif
00144 #ifdef EBADMSG
00145         case EBADMSG: return ebadmsg;
00146 #endif
00147 #ifdef EBUSY
00148         case EBUSY: return ebusy;
00149 #endif
00150 #ifdef ECANCELED
00151         case ECANCELED: return ecanceled;
00152 #endif
00153 #ifdef ECHILD
00154         case ECHILD: return echild;
00155 #endif
00156 #ifdef ECONNABORTED
00157         case ECONNABORTED: return econnaborted;
00158 #endif
00159 #ifdef ECONNREFUSED
00160         case ECONNREFUSED: return econnrefused;
00161 #endif
00162 #ifdef ECONNRESET
00163         case ECONNRESET: return econnreset;
00164 #endif
00165 #ifdef EDEADLK
00166         case EDEADLK: return edeadlk;
00167 #endif
00168 #ifdef EDESTADDRREQ
00169         case EDESTADDRREQ: return edestaddrreq;
00170 #endif
00171 #ifdef EDOM
00172         case EDOM: return edom;
00173 #endif
00174 #ifdef EDQUOT
00175         case EDQUOT: return edquot;
00176 #endif
00177 #ifdef EEXIST
00178         case EEXIST: return eexist;
00179 #endif
00180 #ifdef EFAULT
00181         case EFAULT: return efault;
00182 #endif
00183 #ifdef EFBIG
00184         case EFBIG: return efbig;
00185 #endif
00186 #ifdef EHOSTUNREACH
00187         case EHOSTUNREACH: return ehostunreach;
00188 #endif
00189 #ifdef EIDRM
00190         case EIDRM: return eidrm;
00191 #endif
00192 #ifdef EILSEQ
00193         case EILSEQ: return eilseq;
00194 #endif
00195 #ifdef EINPROGRESS
00196         case EINPROGRESS: return einprogress;
00197 #endif
00198 #ifdef EINTR
00199         case EINTR: return eintr;
00200 #endif
00201 #ifdef EINVAL
00202         case EINVAL: return einval;
00203 #endif
00204 #ifdef EIO
00205         case EIO: return eio;
00206 #endif
00207 #ifdef EISCONN
00208         case EISCONN: return eisconn;
00209 #endif
00210 #ifdef EISDIR
00211         case EISDIR: return eisdir;
00212 #endif
00213 #ifdef ELOOP
00214         case ELOOP: return eloop;
00215 #endif
00216 #ifdef EMFILE
00217         case EMFILE: return emfile;
00218 #endif
00219 #ifdef EMLINK
00220         case EMLINK: return emlink;
00221 #endif
00222 #ifdef EMSGSIZE
00223         case EMSGSIZE: return emsgsize;
00224 #endif
00225 #ifdef EMULTIHOP
00226         case EMULTIHOP: return emultihop;
00227 #endif
00228 #ifdef ENAMETOOLONG
00229         case ENAMETOOLONG: return enametoolong;
00230 #endif
00231 #ifdef ENETDOWN
00232         case ENETDOWN: return enetdown;
00233 #endif
00234 #ifdef ENETRESET
00235         case ENETRESET: return enetreset;
00236 #endif
00237 #ifdef ENETUNREACH
00238         case ENETUNREACH: return enetunreach;
00239 #endif
00240 #ifdef ENFILE
00241         case ENFILE: return enfile;
00242 #endif
00243 #ifdef ENOBUFS
00244         case ENOBUFS: return enobufs;
00245 #endif
00246 #ifdef ENODATA
00247         case ENODATA: return enodata;
00248 #endif
00249 #ifdef ENODEV
00250         case ENODEV: return enodev;
00251 #endif
00252 #ifdef ENOENT
00253         case ENOENT: return enoent;
00254 #endif
00255 #ifdef ENOEXEC
00256         case ENOEXEC: return enoexec;
00257 #endif
00258 #ifdef ENOLCK
00259         case ENOLCK: return enolck;
00260 #endif
00261 #ifdef ENOLINK
00262         case ENOLINK: return enolink;
00263 #endif
00264 #ifdef ENOMEM
00265         case ENOMEM: return enomem;
00266 #endif
00267 #ifdef ENOMSG
00268         case ENOMSG: return enomsg;
00269 #endif
00270 #ifdef ENOPROTOOPT
00271         case ENOPROTOOPT: return enoprotoopt;
00272 #endif
00273 #ifdef ENOSPC
00274         case ENOSPC: return enospc;
00275 #endif
00276 #ifdef ENOSR
00277         case ENOSR: return enosr;
00278 #endif
00279 #ifdef ENOSTR
00280         case ENOSTR: return enostr;
00281 #endif
00282 #ifdef ENOSYS
00283         case ENOSYS: return enosys;
00284 #endif
00285 #ifdef ENOTCONN
00286         case ENOTCONN: return enotconn;
00287 #endif
00288 #ifdef ENOTDIR
00289         case ENOTDIR: return enotdir;
00290 #endif
00291 #ifdef ENOTEMPTY
00292         case ENOTEMPTY: return enotempty;
00293 #endif
00294 #ifdef ENOTSOCK
00295         case ENOTSOCK: return enotsock;
00296 #endif
00297 #if defined(ENOTSUP) && ENOTSUP!=EOPNOTSUPP
00298         case ENOTSUP: return enotsup;
00299 #endif
00300 #ifdef ENOTTY
00301         case ENOTTY: return enotty;
00302 #endif
00303 #ifdef ENXIO
00304         case ENXIO: return enxio;
00305 #endif
00306 #ifdef EOPNOTSUPP
00307         case EOPNOTSUPP: return eopnotsupp;
00308 #endif
00309 #ifdef EOVERFLOW
00310         case EOVERFLOW: return eoverflow;
00311 #endif
00312 #ifdef EPERM
00313         case EPERM: return eperm;
00314 #endif
00315 #ifdef EPIPE
00316         case EPIPE: return epipe;
00317 #endif
00318 #ifdef EPROTO
00319         case EPROTO: return eproto;
00320 #endif
00322         case EPROTONOSUPPORT: return eprotonosupport;
00323 #endif
00324 #ifdef EPROTOTYPE
00325         case EPROTOTYPE: return eprototype;
00326 #endif
00327 #ifdef ERANGE
00328         case ERANGE: return erange;
00329 #endif
00330 #ifdef EROFS
00331         case EROFS: return erofs;
00332 #endif
00333 #ifdef ESPIPE
00334         case ESPIPE: return espipe;
00335 #endif
00336 #ifdef ESRCH
00337         case ESRCH: return esrch;
00338 #endif
00339 #ifdef ESTALE
00340         case ESTALE: return estale;
00341 #endif
00342 #ifdef ETIME
00343         case ETIME: return etime;
00344 #endif
00345 #ifdef ETIMEDOUT
00346         case ETIMEDOUT: return etimedout;
00347 #endif
00348 #ifdef ETXTBSY
00349         case ETXTBSY: return etxtbsy;
00350 #endif
00352         case EWOULDBLOCK: return ewouldblock;
00353 #endif
00354 #ifdef EXDEV
00355         case EXDEV: return exdev;
00356 #endif
00357         default: return eunkn;
00358  }
00359 }
00361 shException newErrorException(mem_pool& mp, const FileLine& loc, const ch_rng&
00362   msg, error err)
00363 {
00364  return newErrorException(loc, msg, err, shException(mp, 0));
00365 }
00367 shException newErrorException(const FileLine& loc, const ch_rng& msg, error err,
00368   shException nest)
00369 {
00370  mp_newbuf<ErrorException> buf(nest.pool());
00371  return shException(buf.pool(), buf.rls(::new(buf.get()) ErrorException(loc,
00372    msg, err, nest)));
00373 }
00375 ErrorException::ErrorException(const FileLine& loc, const ch_rng& msg, error
00376   err, shException nest) : Exception(loc, msg, nest), errorCode(err)
00377 {
00378 }
00380 sh_text ErrorException::getClassName() const
00381 {
00382  return nt(message.pool(), "ders::ErrorException");
00383 }
00385 sh_text ErrorException::toText() const
00386 {
00387  return text_buf(getClassName())+" ["+location.file+":"+location.line+
00388    "], errorCode="+errorCode+":\""+error_message(message.pool(), errorCode)+
00389    "\", message: "+message;
00390 }
00392 }  // namespace ::ders

Generated on Tue Dec 8 11:35:32 2009 for derslib by  doxygen 1.5.5